Sunday 18 August 2019

Tories looking to raise retirement age to 75.

So here we are. I have thought good on Boris Johnson for saying Brexit is happening after all this time on 31 October, come what may. Also good that he is saying tougher penalties should be on criminals and more police. All good headlines and if the rumours are true about an early General Election then these would be vote winners.

However, Theresa May was bound for an overall majority in the last General Election and lost it. Why because of social care cost and taxing the elderly. The blue rinse brigade gave the Tories a bloody nose and she lost the majority.

Boris Johnson could well get the same bloody nose off the voters if he goes along with this ridiculous plan. They are looking at proposing the eligible age to 70 by 2028 and 75 by 2035. This would mean a lot of people would never retire and get the pension but paid the National Insurance Contribution all their lives for nothing.

This is fundamentally wrong!  

Ian Duncan Smith chairs The Centre for Social Justice. The Tories gets many of its policy from this group. This is the same group that brought in the controversial credits Universal Credits.

If people pay into a private scheme that they were likely not to benefit from it the Government would be saying things like miss-selling and it's wrong. But this would apply to National Insurance people have no choice and have to pay into it and then would most likely not benefit from it. Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that current life expectancy for Women is 82 and Men just 79. So for those that have worked since 21 (many will have started to work by then) but this shows for men they would pay 58 yrs and then old get a pension for 4 yrs. This is shocking!   

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