Sunday 18 August 2019

Tories looking to raise retirement age to 75.

So here we are. I have thought good on Boris Johnson for saying Brexit is happening after all this time on 31 October, come what may. Also good that he is saying tougher penalties should be on criminals and more police. All good headlines and if the rumours are true about an early General Election then these would be vote winners.

However, Theresa May was bound for an overall majority in the last General Election and lost it. Why because of social care cost and taxing the elderly. The blue rinse brigade gave the Tories a bloody nose and she lost the majority.

Boris Johnson could well get the same bloody nose off the voters if he goes along with this ridiculous plan. They are looking at proposing the eligible age to 70 by 2028 and 75 by 2035. This would mean a lot of people would never retire and get the pension but paid the National Insurance Contribution all their lives for nothing.

This is fundamentally wrong!  

Ian Duncan Smith chairs The Centre for Social Justice. The Tories gets many of its policy from this group. This is the same group that brought in the controversial credits Universal Credits.

If people pay into a private scheme that they were likely not to benefit from it the Government would be saying things like miss-selling and it's wrong. But this would apply to National Insurance people have no choice and have to pay into it and then would most likely not benefit from it. Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that current life expectancy for Women is 82 and Men just 79. So for those that have worked since 21 (many will have started to work by then) but this shows for men they would pay 58 yrs and then old get a pension for 4 yrs. This is shocking!   

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Retire.... Donna Hall even lies about that too....

When I was a Cllr I called Donna Hall a Liar. She sent me to her Standards Kangaroo hearing about it but would not answer the question if she has ever told a lie? Her little Croony Labour Cllr Rigby who was chairing the quango committee hearing wouldn't make her answer the question. No shocker there. This is the woman that said she was a member of a famous pop group. Got caught out there!

She went on to say that the Council have taken back my Council equipment. The local rag asked me for a quote. I laughed. Asked why am I laughing? I responded by saying I was never given any as I always use my own IT equipment. Another Own Goal there from the serial Liar.

We know the amount of harassment she has done towards Cllr Bob Brierley. A man I hate just as much as she does but I don't harass him like she did. He has had so many standards hearing against him I have lost count. All illegally found him guilty by the quango court.  All costing you and me hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Then after she was exposed for the "Illegal by-election" and then calling the Cllrs of Wigan - her Cllrs - she said she would retire. This was after her, and the Councils staff, illegally lying about me and getting corrupt Greater Manchester High ranking Officers to take illegal action against me and more importantly trying to illegally sack a democratically Cllr - Cllr Steve Jones.

Within days she was given the chair of Bolton NHS trust - what a joke!!!! She has wasted millions of public money inc over a million on illegal action against opposition Cllrs with illegal actions. 

She got a university to give her a professor of something - not even going to google that as it shows more corruption no doubt. Wonder how she got that ?????

Now she has got a non-executive position at Birmingham Council link here.  What a retirement? she must be missing her salary getting all these jobs. But she thought she could simply say she is retiring and simply disappear and waste all these other taxpayers money.

Many ask me about the issue with the Police and the Council. Due to the investigation of all this corruption, I can't comment except we are progressing nicely. Someone said to me recently that they had been talking to someone about me and what action I was doing and the other person said Gareth has gone quiet and not much said about what he si doing. Their response was when Gareth is quiet he is nailing someone. When it comes out it will be more than corrupt officers at GMP and Donna Hall but other Officers at Wigan Council under the spotlight inc the current Chief Executive who I have hard evidence she was involved with the corruption and illegal practise against me and also the head of  Legal Services Brendan Whitworth who will have serious questions to answer. We will root out all of these corrupt people. When that investigation is completed and the final report is published then you will see it all. As for the time being, we can keep rooting out this corrupt woman Donna Hall. Keep her away from public office!