Friday, 24 February 2012

USA Treaty

It is interesting that when in opposition David Cameron was against the USA treaty whereby they can ask for any British Citizen without evidence and we hand them over. Now in Government and two years on the Tories and David Cameron have done nothing about this and today, Christopher Tappin, was handed over and no evidence has ever been given to back up their request.

In opposition like I have said David Cameron said he would change the law. Now he said in this weeks' PMQ's that he will ask for a report into the situation.

If any opposition says vote for me and I will X and then they get in and do not do x, then they is a trust issue.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sportsmand Dinner 2012.

Well this years fund raiser sportsman dinner looks like it will be another sell out with only a few tickets now remaining. Plus with some other big name rugby celebs buying tickets too it looks like it will be a great night.

If you are interested in attending please let us know as soon as possible as there are now only a handful tickets left.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Wigan Council spend £500K on legal Fees.

I can reveal that Wigan Council will spend £500 000 on outside legal experts when they have their own legal dept. Wigan Council has its own legal consisting of a whole range solicitors but yet none of them can make decisions it seems and that is why the Council has to go outside for advise. They could employ their own top barrister for less than the figure that they spend going outside.

Also I have concerns that the head of the Legal Dept IS NOT a solicitor and this is probably another reason why the solicitors have to go outside as the head of the dept cannot give legal advise.

If the Council wants to be taken seriously surely this demonstrates how they need to improve and become more efficient.