Thursday 7 December 2017

Labour Closed Shevington Community Primary School

Some may remember the so called consultation with regards primary schools in Shevington. What a farce! Parents said that the decision had already been made by the Labour Council. The original story was covered here.

At the end of it all Shevington Community Primary School, which had outstanding from Ofsted, was closed whilst other schools with lower grades remained open.

The 3 MALE LABOUR Cllrs did nothing to help and one even said he was a School Governor of another school, which stayed open surprisingly, so he could not help. Why didn't he resign the school governors position so he could help all concerned and he wouldn't have been biased?

The real issue is that Shevington Community Primary school closed and this is on prime development land. At first the council said they would not be selling the land. Now the school is closed, guess what? Yes the Labour Run Council are looking to dispose of the land. Surprise surprise.

If elected Janet Brown will work for ALL the residents, young and old, and will work to make sure the right decisions are made for the people of the ward and not for the Labour run Council pockets.

Janet has been a teacher before retiring and is all to aware how important education is.

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