Wednesday 27 December 2017

Should Nick Clegg get a Knighthood?

There is many people saying that Nick Clegg should not be getting a knighthood, as being rumoured. His pledge to getting rid of Student Loans was the biggest howler ever that I can remember. Also how many times over the decades have the Lib Dems sat on the fence and actually made a decision - rightly or wrongly? Wishy washy!

As you can tell I am not the Lib Dems biggest fan. HOWEVER, I must say that had they not got into bed with the Tories in 2010 when it was a hung parliament then I do think the Tories would have hurt the Country more. I do believe that when they where in the corridors of power in London and George Osbourne wanted to go after more money and make lives worse it was the Lib Dems that held them back a little.

Also they lost the Student Loan pledge ( that is never going to happen under Lib dems or labour ) but got something in that has made an impact and that is raising the tyax threshold to £10,000 for the first time ever. So popular was the policy that the Lib Dems got in that years later Tory George Chancellor nicked it for himself and raised it further and claimed it was his idea. I don't think so!

Therefore all the faults of the Lib Dem I do believe that nick should be honoured in this way, if he fits the criteria set out - which I am presuming he does. After all Labour gave one to RBS Boss Fred Goodwin known as Fed the Shred.

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