Sunday 11 February 2018

Labour want equality but don't want it for white men

OK so before the PC looney left start shouting racist etc read the damn post.

So it wasn't that long ago - well a couple of weeks when the Looney Left Labour Party said white people had to pay for a conference they were holding. In the end the correct authorities and said this discriminated against white people by charging them more. So after that you would have thought they would have learnt their lesson - o no.

Now as you can see from the poster they are want equality for all - good so far until you read the poster and then realise that actually white men cannot attend. So the Labour Party don't care about White men do they not? This is just the type of looney left PC barmby brigade that drives hatred and divides people and groups. How on earth do they think white men would respond to their views that they didn't care for them? They didn't want them? Do they think they should just slope off tail between their legs? No they should stand up to this kind of discrimination and fight back. And this is what this blog post is doing fighting back for true equality.

It was also not long ago a part of the Labour Party Students in Liverpool what the Queen killed.  At that tweet I said they should be thrown into the tower and locked up and this is yet another example of why Labour should be nowhere near power they have dangerous views that are so communist it is untrue.

I wonder if a a party held a white men conference what the Labour Party would say? O they would be up in arms shouting racists and we hate women. The truth is the conference should be open to everyone. White men I would imagine in the main care about equality too so why can't they go?

I will ask the Labour lot why they hate white men so much and see what their answer is. I bet we don't get one. But the Labour party are hypocrites - why do I say this the party has 2 white men running it - Jeremy Corbyn and McDonald guy. The Deputy Leader is another White male. So come on Labour Party where is this so called equality now?  Typical do as I say not as I do party!

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