Saturday 10 February 2018

Looney Left taking over and forcing Political Correctness on us all

The world is an every changing place. Some for the good and some for the bad. One thing that is high on peoples talking point is the political correctness world and how it is going mad.

I have read two stories of where lollipop men have high five children as they cross the road. On of them, a 77 year old man who has done the job for over 2 decades quit and the other gentleman said if they sack me that is up to the council.

Whilst we have to me on our guard for people that may groom kids and want to do them harm I am sure these 2 gentleman wouldn't. The children - in the main - are with their parents and also there parents are around for those that are not. It has been showed on TVthe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge high fiv'ing children so why this now? The world is going mad.

On another note I have seen a number of online people complaining that they do not get paid enough from their work place or the wages are unfair. The bottom line for me is that at the beginning you are offered a salary if this is OK then you accept if it is not you try and negotiate a better one if you do - excellent - if not you choose what you want to do. If you are not getting paid enough look round for another job and employer and grow. If a company is not paying enough then the retention would h=be high and then their cost of recruitment goes up so they may as well pay more. It is almost like people think they are entitled to something in this day and age for some reason. A quick buck. If the Looney left get their way then what will happen is what happened a few years ago and the jobs will go and companies will outsource.

On the other end of the pay spectrum the Chief Executives get too much and given what I have just said then some may try and question this but for example the Chief Executive of Wigan Council gets paid over £200,000, which is way more than the Prime Minister, and yet front line staff are being forced to take pay freezes. This element to me seems unfair. How can this wage be justified? It can't!

People are so weary of speaking their minds these days they are scared of getting sued or labelled and the individuality that we all are should be celebrated and not forced to think the same and do the same. They call North Korea for this but this is what they are trying to do with us. I thought we had freedom of speech in this country but this is going less and less and the looney Left are trying to force silence on us.

Grid Girls have been removed from F1 because it could create the wrong impression and been seen as abuse of them. So what have they replaced them with kids. So some idiots think we can't show young females that want to do it but it is OK to shove in their place. Idiots. PC gone bad!

If you say anything about immigration well you will be banged a racist whether you have genuine concerns or not. If someone wants to speak their view then t=let them. Then the people listening can see if they agree or not.

I hope the decent hard working people of this country fight back and shove the PC brigade back in their little box.

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