Monday 5 November 2018

The Country is going mad - what's going on with our Police?

So I have heard about a 70 Year old lady who was at the Police station at the weekend and she used her horn at someone else - who was delaying unnecessarily and then the other person went inside to the petrol station and asked for the police as they wanted to report a "HATE CRIME". Then the police CAME arrested the 70 year lady and then questioned her under caution for this "so called hate crime".

Yet on Friday yet another teenagaer was stabbed to death in London and to date no action or arrests have been made. And whilst yes I agree the Tories have cut the Police to dangerous levels the Police - for me - cannot complain when they are arresting 70 year old ladies for pipping her horn. Really? Have a word!

Now we know of an alleged hate crime in Wigan that I would imagine is costing close to a million quid now and questions need to ask if this is a hate crime at all? Or is it someone using their mates to pull a favour on bogus "fake" hate crime. Surely the Police have better things to do. Again whilst true hate crimes should be investigated and looked at things have to be put into proportion and ask if so much resource on a fictitious crime, in my eyes, should get so much resources at it? I guess on this one all will become clear when someone is ever charged and a court hearing is in place when I am sure ALL will come out and a jury will decide. If this doesn't happen and no one is ever charged, after all the arrests that we have heard about, then questions need to be asked again on whether it was a true crime or was someone wasting police time? Just a thought! 

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