Friday, 1 December 2023

Accident waiting to happen - again at the main traffic lights.

Wigan Council are yet again putting lives at risk with their crazy schemes. The latest one is the lights for a crossing outside Domino's pizza, where there used to be a zebra crossing. 

Many have complained about the traffic chaos there, which itself is an inconvenience to people and could be dangerous to people, but I have seen a real big problem and this is at the main traffic lights cross roads, where, sadly, we have had two deaths already over the years.

The issue, which I witnessed last night, is when traffic signals on the School Lane are on green and traffic go straight across and towards the Church and the lights at the crossing. If those crossing lights are on red, which happened last night, then the traffic backs up and across the main lights cross roads and up School Lane. Then main cross roads lights from School lane turn red the green man then comes on for people to cross Market Street. At this point the main traffic is backed up over the cross roads - blocking it. 

But when people cross Market street as the green man is on and then  green light changes at the crossing at Domino's so the traffic starts moving at the same time as people cross the road - putting lives at risk. Which nearly happened last night. Unless Wigan Council address this immediately they are putting lives at risk. With the dark nights too this does not help. It's a death trap waiting to happen and if by highlighting this we can get it resolved asap then so much the better. I have have written a letter to Wigan Council on the matter and asked for immediate urgent action before we have any incidents there. Whether they do anything is another thing, but let's hope.

We must remember that Wigan Council have got nearly £30m from all the houses that have been built in and around Standish, and are still being built, but they have failed to make any improvements to the traffic infrastructure. They also get EXTRA £5m every year ( approx) from these new houses and Wigan Council needs to stop using Standish as a cash cow and taking millions from us and doing nothing to address issues or make any improvements. 

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