Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Do we have a democracy in the UK

We are told so often that we live in a democracy. I to thought this up until recently the last General Election. I say this because previously at the last USA election when it was Trump v Boden I thought, " My god out of all the Americans those two are the best you have to offer the American people?" 

Then at this General Election we had Rishi v Starmer. Really are these the two best the two main parties have to offer us? So when we are told that we live in a democracy what they are saying is you live in a society where we tell you who you can vote for - and that is what we are lead to believe is a democracy.

Meaning of Democracy

So the first thing we would need to understand is what is democracy? Isn't it a place where eligible members can vote for who they want to lead that Country, or that area? 

But we don't have that we have a system were we have to vote for who people tell us. But what about a new thought. What about if there was a system were the people had the choice to vote for who they wanted and if they didn't like anyone one the ballot they can say no to all. So if the majority say no to all then there has to be a re-run but the previous candidates couldn't stand on the re0run. The parties would have to get new candidates. Just a thought! After all if democracy is about the people getting the person they want, not a person they have to choose? 

Just a thought. 

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