What I found is worse than what I thought. Doug fouling is one area where I will be contacting the council to try and do something about the issue and I don't just want them to paint white paint of the words, " No dog fouling", on the footpaths. Why do they do this? Surely they know dog's can't read. But on a serious note this issue needs tackling as I agree with the residents that have contacted me on this matter.
Secondly, I have worked the full length of the line this morning too. It is a complete disgrace behind the Coop. Below is a picture of the state of the area.
Walking down the line you see that quite a lot of litter has blown into the bushes. Below is an example of this.
When you get to the other end near the hotel you can see plastic garden chairs and even shopping trolleys littering the place. The chairs have been carried someway and hen thrown into some bushes. The shopping trolley has just been left at the side of the path and no doubt taken by teenagers.
These pictures show not only the blight that is happening on the line but also things that can and will effect wild life.
I will be contacting the Council to do a tidy up of the area. After that I hope people will not drop litter or fly tip. If they do I will push for the full penalties to be imposed on them. This can't be allowed to carry on.
I will also be looking to get a litter bin place near the track that leads from Green Lane to the Lodge Gates. Hopefully the bin will be located near Green Lane as there is two near the lodge gates.