So here we are at the end of January. Wow that's gone fast. Christmas was ages ago, well at least a month
OK I guess this weeks' blog post should be the usual titled the week that ended should be the fortnight that ended... as I didn't get round to write the blog post with so much going on.
The first thing i would like to say is my thoughts go out to Terry Wogan's family as I have heard that he has sadly passed away. I would like to say to them...... (Blank). I used to love watching Blankety Blank growing up.
I guess the first thing people are talking about in Standish is the Deal. Wigan Council's latest PR spin propaganda. In short it means you will pay an increase in your Council Tax, even though Wigan Council say on their Deal literature that they will freeze Council Tax. Then after they have raised the Tax they want residents to do jobs they would have done, like litter picking every week or staff libraries. So they don't want librarians now. They do a great job for me.
So at the Q&A which should have been for 90 mins of time for residents to question to be able to get to ask the Labour Leader of the Council and Chief Executive a question. Residents were upset that the fact that the first 50 mins was taking up by being spoken at when they turned up believing they could ask the question. Then the Tory candidate hogged the Question time and stopped residents asking questions. Then on social media both the Tory and Labour Candidate for the forth coming local election in Standish said I said nothing. Well this is true. given that there was so little time for genuine residents to ask I did not want to take THEIR time up, which the Tory candidate did. The Labour candidate didn't even ask a question. If you want to read more about the event see this blog post. My Council surgery this week was people turning up that wanted to ask a question and wasn't allowed due to the limited time. I will be asking, and have, asked the question that residents wanted to ask.
During the last Council meeting that also took place in the last 2 weeks I raised the issue of why has Wigan Council given millions to a developer for a piece of land that they sold them for £1. Rather than trying to explain their thought process and reasoning why they sold 175 cares for a £1 and then gave millions of your tax payers money to the developer the Labour Leader stood up and said he will sue me now for telling people about the deal. What has the Council to hide with people knowing about this? One wonders and the very thought going through your head at this time is also my thought too. For more on that story click this link.
Also this weekend Labour ave put out desperate lies and deception to try and win the local election in May. Here is one part of my response . Another candidate from last year and questioned a resident on Twitter saying what have I achieved as a Cllr. I am guessing they only think that big projects count and being a Cllr is all about being in the paper saying I do this and I do that. Yes it is important to say things what I am up too and this is why I have the blog. However for me being a Cllr is about the little things more than the big things. For example an elderly lady contacted me last year about being in the wrong type of accommodation and lonely. I was able to get her into a place that would be better for her. I did help and she emailed me 2 weeks ago with this below.
Last year I emailed you when I was desperate for accommodation an with your help I got a lovely one bedroom flat at X. My life has improved so much and this place is a lovely place to live. I have had many happy hours here and made good friends and would like to thank you for your assistance
For me that is what being a Cllr is about making a difference to people's every day lives but also standing up for Standish and fighting against all these houses etc. I have changed the name of the accommodation and put X in it's place.
If anyone sees any of the Labour or Tory lies and you want to ask me just email me at . As for my response to the labour leaflet yes it is coming - to every house soon.
I guess Labour and the Tories are trying to start the election before they have even started.