Monday 25 January 2016

Proof how Council are biased towards Labour Cllrs

If any of you read the local paper or visit the council site or have see any of their communications you may see how the council put out that opposition Cllrs are really bad and naughty. It is the ones that challenge and dig into things that the council don't like. People like me. Another one is Hindley Independent Cllr Bob Brierley.

The Council keep using the Labour Standards Committee to keep finding opposition Cllrs guilty of trumped up things and then turn a blind eye to Labour cllrs.

In the last few days yet more evidence of this as come to light. Hindley Independent Cllr allegedly called a Labour Cllr a name. He says he didn't but has apologised to the Cllr for any upset about the word he thought he may have been called. Council says this is not good and are now going to waste 000's investigating him and sending him to a hearing which only Labour Cllrs will sit on.

This so called named calling took place nearly 18 months ago and the council have sat on this until now so they can find him guilty just before his re-election, this May.

Now a Labour Cllr threatened an oppostion Cllr and said they could arrange to have them put in hospital. Now the Labour biased Council say that this is OK and the Labour Cllr concerned doesn't have to apologise as they did nothing wrong.

Many residents will see the second element a lot worse than the first and wonder why the Labour cllr hasn't been sent to the Standards Committee? Also the Labour Leader told an opposition to go and take an overdose. Again no issue and no problem with that.

the biased and double standards in this Council is shocking and shows the corruption goes to the core.

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