Thursday 4 July 2013

Campaign goes national

The Save Standish campaign is going national and hoping to link up with up similar groups around the country. Why is this being done? It is obvious if we want the government to change their policy on building on green open fields when there are other brown field available.

So with that in mind if the Save Standish group and residents link up with other groups we can try and open a debate to change the policy. One way we are doing this is my starting an e-petition on the governments website. We will then be asking other residents around the country to sign the petition and if we get the required signatures then a debate will be held in parliament.

The petition is here if you want to go and sign it. Please sign the e-petition and then ask family and friends to sign the petition, now matter where they live in the country as this petition is to try and change government policy on building on green open spaces and moving them to brown field sites.

Some may say we need new houses built for the population growth and also to help the economy. If these statements are true we are not against this but just saying they should be built on brown field sites first before we erode the green open spaces within our communities.

Please remember even if there are no developers looking to developer open green spaces in your area today they could be tomorrow!

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